A hundred and twenty-five thousand words into the very first draft of my latest novel, I now know the ending and what has to happen to get there.
I’m excited. I’m also relieved, especially about the ending: I’d been starting to wonder if this project would actually have one.
So, a pinprick of light in the dark at last. I’m heading towards it. But like that other light that seemed to be the end of the tunnel but was in fact an oncoming train, I hope the glimmer I’m seeing doesn’t turn out to come from something like this dude…
This is an anglerfish, from a whole bookful of astounding underwater photography called The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss by Claire Nouvian.
That title, btw, gives another hint as to what this book I’m writing is partly about.
MOO HOO HA HAAAAGH *sounds resume of brain mashing against keyboard*